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Technical information Expansion valves
1 The principle of automatic control 12431
2 Valves 12759
3 Freon Reaction to Metal 15635
4 Freon Reaction to Plastics 14379
5 Refrigerant Replacements and the Atmosphere 10533
6 Detecting Sulfur Dioxide Leak 19257
7 Detecting Carbon Dioxide Leak 11089
8 Detecting Ammonia Leak 18343
9 Solenoid 21660
10 Power Relays 13442
11 Solenoid Valves 12159
12 Liquid-Line Service Solenoid Valve 43310
13 Suction-Line Service Solenoid Valve 17011
14 Hot-Gas Defrost Service Solenoid Valve 55408
15 Direct-expansion systems 13724
16 Valves used in direct-expansion systems 12865
17 Flooded-gas leg shutoff 13027
18 Flooded-ceiling blower 14009
19 Flooded floor-type blower 13210
20 Liquid-Recirculating Systems 15368
21 Flooded recirculator 11961
22 Low-temperature ceiling blower 11752
23 Year-Round-Automatic Constant Liquid Pressure Control System 12524
24 Dual-Pressure Regulator 11573
25 Valves and Controls for Hot-Gas Defrost of Ammonia-Type Evaporators 17468
26 Back-Pressure Regulator Applications of Controls 11860
27 Refrigerant-powered compensating-type pilot valve 11519
28 Electric-compensating back-pressure regulator 13531
29 Hand-expansion valve 15652
30 Automatic-expansion valve 16285
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Air standard refrigeration cycle Cartridge fuse diagram Condenser water regulating valve Double tube condenser Hermetically sealed compressor High pressure float valve Hot gas muffler Open air refrigeration cycle Plate surface evaporator Solenoid valve Specific volume of refrigerant T. H. diagram Types of evaporator
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