
An automatic expansion valve aev operation - Compression system with automatic expansion valve

Technical information Compressors Compression System Using Automatic Expansion Valve (AEV) Refrigerant Control

Compression system, Using Automatic Expansion Valve (AEV) Refrigerant Management

The operation of the automatic expansion valve (AEV) refrigeration refrigerant control mechanism (Fig. 3-7). Compressor, electric motor, and a capacitor (condensing unit in the Cabinet. Liquid refrigerant (dark red) follows from the liquid receiver through the liquid line. It passes through the filter, automatic expansion valve.

The refrigerant can flow through AEV only in case, if the pressure in the evaporator is reduced by the compressor is running. As the compressor is running streams of liquid refrigerant tiirough automatic expansion valve. It is sprayed into the evaporator (dark blue). Here, due to the low pressure refrigerant boils quickly and absorbs heat. This refrigerant evaporates (light blue) moves back to the compressor through the suction line.

In the compressor refrigerant is compressed to high pressure side, as a pair (red light). When passing through the condenser, it is cooled. Refrigerant releases heat, which it absorbed in the evaporator and the return of liquid (dark red).

It then flows into the receiver is ready to repeat the cycle. Motor control heat element is attached to the end of the evaporator. It is at the beginning of the suction line. After the evaporator chilled to the proper temperature, pressure warning lamp causes the motor control to turn off the motor. The compressor is stopped.

Operational characteristics of this system are quite satisfactory. Refrigerant oil is without problems. Temperature control restrictions may also be kept quite close. This type of refrigeration cycle is widely used both at small commercial applications. As the pressure balance on the outside of the cycle, the motor of the compressor must begin while under load. Defective seat needle or expansion valve allows to leakage of refrigerant in a closed loop. The liquid refrigerant can flow into the suction line. When the compressor starts, this will be reported by the icing on the suction line. This problem can result in liquid refrigerant entering the compressor through the suction line. This can cause the compressor to knock heavily...

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