Not only will it drive owner crazy, he will ride on the following methods crazy trying to find the problem on a cooler day. There are certain relay and electrical parts, which can be used to replace the situation and continue to perform the same tasks as the original. Remember that some elements inside the equipment, spare parts, must be the same. Another example is the replacement of the plot capillary tube. If the exact I.D. (inner diameter) is not available, another size and the exact length of the original will not work. If the size is changed and the working pressure, which in turn affects the design features of the device. .. Preliminary planning or pre-thinking can help resolve the condition. Refrigeration and air conditioning equipment must operate at their design pressure and temperature, in order to perform their specific tasks. Table 15-1 shows an example of some operating pressure in the total air conditioning, high temperature cooling). Equipment listed in the table, air-cooled condensers with DX direct expansion (DX) of the evaporator.
I want to say again that at replacement of a part, when it has a specific type of function, replacement parts must be exactly as in replacement parts. This is a very critical moment, when replacing the engine fan or fan blades. For example, if a motor that controls the fan blades capacitor is REBplaced, and the speed is less than the original, the device can function normally, and in the coldest days. When the ambient temperature rises, the fan will not be fast enough to ensure adequate heat transfer. This will cause the installation to less efficient to more than hottest day of the year. Not only will it drive owner crazy, he will ride on the following techniques crazy trying to find the problem on a cooler day. There are certain relay and electrical parts, which can be used to replace the situation and continue to perform the same tasks as the original. Remember that some elements inside the equipment, spare parts must be the same. Another example is the replacement of the plot capillary tube. If the exact ?.Р”. (inner diameter) is not available, another size and the exact length of the original will not work. If the size is changed and an operating pressure, which in turn affects the design factors of the device. ...