
Capillary tube flow rates - Capillary tube flow rates

Technical information Industrial Flow Rates Through A Capillary Tube

Flow Through A Capillary

The refrigerant flow through the tube cover the functions of the differential pressure between condenser and evaporator, die number of hypothermia and quality of the refrigerant flowing through die metering device. These diree variables are correlated, as shown in the following subsections.

The difference in pressure differential pressure between condenser and evaporator, increases the flow through the tube cover also increases. This reaction occurs flow through a tube directly associated with the differential pressure at the inlet and outlet ports. In the capillary tube, however, small changes in pressure difference produce large changes in the refrigerant flow through the dispenser than diose produced large pressure drops.

This is because the pressure is higher than the differences increase the formation of flash gas in the tube. The presence of vapour in the tube reduces the flow of the refrigerant. Similarly, when the pressure difference increases beyond the limit, the flow through the tube becomes choked. The choked conditions flow rate of the liquid reaches sonic the rate of refrigerant flow rate can not continue to grow, even if they die differential pressure continues to increase.

Small changes in pressure difference via the handset cover are less likely to contribute to the formation of a large amount of steam. Thus, they create more increases the flow rate of the liquid refrigerant.

Pressure difference across the handset cover can be increased by increasing the condenser pressure or lowering the pressure in the evaporator. Increase die condenser pressure have a greater influence on the speed of the stream than equal to the pressure drop in the evaporator. This is because the increase of the pressure in the condenser produces less flash gas produced when the pressure in the evaporator reduces. This characteristic is a consequence of the nonlinear relationship between pressure and temperature of the coolant. Remember, equal to the change in pressure, all refrigerants experience a smaller change in their saturation temperatures, high pressure, than at lower pressures...

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