
Lithium bromide advantages - Lithium bromide affinity

Техничке информације индустријски Воде-литијум-бромидни системи

Воде-литијум-бромидни системи

Water-lithium bromide systems are widely used in the construction of апликације за хлађење. These systems use water as the refrigerant, so they are not suitable for use in all applications where the евапоратор temperature is below 32F (0C). Lithium bromide is used as the absorbent. It is hygroscopic salts, that is, he has a great affinity for attraction of water vapor molecules. Lithium bromide salt is mixed widi distilled or deionized water to produce a liquid solution of salt, which has a high affinity for water vapor. However, water-lidiium bromide is not completely soluble in water in any conditions likely to occur in the absorption хлађење. Therefore, design and operation precautions to minimize the conditions that allow precipitation and crystallization of salts from water.

One of the main advantages of the water-lithium bromide systems diat absorbent is non-volatile. As such, there is no absorbent mixed refrigerant (water) pair leaving generator. This feature allows the analyzer and rectifier be removed from the system, simplifying design and reducing the cost of construction. Since water is the refrigerant in these systems, the working pressure in the evaporator should be very low to pennit of vaporization at a temperature of between 38 and 60F (3 and 16C).


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