
Ammonia separators and receivers - Lube oil system size chiller ammonia

Техничке информације индустријски Одвајачи мазива у амонијачним системима

Grease Separators In Ammonia Systems

Ammonia (R-717) nonmiscible refrigerant thus, the oil is pumped into the discharge line from the компресор is not easily accomplished through a pipeline system with the refrigerant. Therefore, grease separator is installed in the discharge line all ammonia system to minimize the amount of oil carried in the system. Additional provisions must also be made to remove the small amount of oil, which migrates from the separator. As grease, ammonia used in systems heavier than the liquid refrigerant, it separates and settles at the low points throughout the system. For this reason, oil sumps are presented in the upper receivers, evaporators, batteries and other vessels in the system. The oil is collected at these points, continuously or periodically returned to the compressor.

Because oil is not returned to the compressor through the refrigerant at least a couple of speed in the pipelines of ammonia systems is not a factor, pipeline design. Instead, pipe diameter is selected yield to a low-pressure drop at full load.


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