
Бауделот цхиллер

Техничке информације Евапораторс Бауделот Цоолерс

Бауделот Цоолерс

In Бауделот хладњак, which look like two-pipe cooler, but no smaller diameter pipes located within refrigerant tubes. Liquid cooled goes outside to die refrigerant tubes, and not through the inside of the tube. In Baudelot cooling, rack horizontal pipes are connected to headers form the refrigerant circuits. In the поплављен испаривач applications, header connects to the battery supply of liquid refrigerant pipe racks. Other header collects die evaporation of refrigerant vapour at the outlet die pipes. In a dry-expansion applications, the distributor supplies each tube and the refrigerant vapor sucked off on the suction side of the header. These coolers absorb heat from the fluids that flow along the outer surface of the pipes. Thin films of liquid flows by gravity from the distributor tubes made of nozzles located above the upper cooler tube. Cooling liquid is collected in a trough located below the lower tube and sent to the process.

Chilled fluid is open die of the air as it passes through the heat exchange surfaces. Therefore, Baudelot coolers are ideal for liquid cooling applications aeration, where required.

Usually they are used for cooling milk, beer, wine and for cooling water used for carbonization, in the bottling plants. It has allowed to lower temperature of the liquid is very close to freezing, because the thin film that is formed around the pipe. In this design, there is a danger of breaking of pipes, if sometimes freezing occurs.

Tank-Type Coolers

Tank-type fluid coolers consist of bare refrigerant pipe coils suspended inside a large tank containing liquid to be chilled. Motor-driven agitators circulates die liquid over the cooling coil from 100 to 150 ft/min (30.5 to 45.7 m/min). Although completely immersed in the liquid, partitions are arranged as shown in Fig. 14-22 to encourage proper mixing of chilled and warm liquid.

Spiral shapes and raceway naked coils are fre-quendy employed in tank-type coolers. These coils are typically configured flooded evaporators type. This application uses a dry-expansion of the refrigerant feed strategy.

Tank-type coolers can be applied to the liquid cooling applications diat not have the most stringent sanitary-hygienic requirements. Therefore they are widely used for cooling water, brine and odier fluids that will be used as secondary refrigerants. Because of dieir relic of the inherent potential (diermal capacity), they are particularly suitable for use in conditions of frequent and sharp fluctuations in the load. In these applications, a large tank for storage of chilled fluid is used to minimize fluctuations in temperature of a cooling liquid in periods of peak demand.

Shell-And-Coil Coolers

Shell and coil cooler, as a rule, consist of one or more of the spiral form, a little-coils, enclosed in a welded steel hull, as shown. These devices are operated as a dry-expansion devices

refrigerant coil, and the liquid in the shell. The volume of the liquid in the shell is more than the volume of pipes in coils. Thus, this design has a higher heat capacity than the one in which to be chilled liquid flows through the pipes. Additional relic of the potential makes a dry-expansion hmm suitable for small applications with high, but rarely at peak loads. Thus, this mechanism is often used in drinking fountains, tool, air dryers and for other applications where sanitation is a necessary characteristic of the system.

In several applications, shell and coil cooler is operated using flooded supply of the refrigerant. In this design, the refrigerant is in a shell while die chilled liquid passes through a tube. When these liquid coolers are flooded with the refrigerant in the shell, there is no vestige of the building. Therefore, this type of cooler is called instant hmm so that the liquid is cooled quickly, as it passes through the евапоратор on its way out of the system. There is a danger of damage of this type of cooler if, die liquid freezes inside the coil. For this reason, цхиллерс using diis agreement is not recommended for applications where the liquid temperature below 38F (3.3C). Instant shell-and-coil coolers are used to cool drink in the draw-bars. In these applications, beverage, as a rule, precooled to some extent, less expensive process before entering the shell-and-coil cooler...

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