
Реф-Вики.цом -

БЛОГ главни Хладњаче са дохватом
Хладњаче са дохватом
хладњак са дохватом вероватно је најсвестранији и широко кориштен од свих комерцијалних расветних уређаја. Апликације су институције свих врста, укључујући продавнице прехрамбених производа, месне пијаце, пекаре, апотеке, тапас барови, ресторани, цвећаре и хотели. Док неки хладњаци досежу само функцију складиштења, други се користе и за складиштење и за излагање. Сл. КСНУМКС-КСНУМКС приказује бочни поглед на стаклена врата, а замрзнути производи стижу до блока. Стаклена врата омогућавају претпоставити да ће се уређај користити за потребе приказа и складиштења, јер јединице које се користе само за складиштење, по правилу имају чврста врата. Тешка врата имају нижи укупни коефицијент преноса топлоте, због чега је уређај ефикасан за не приказујуће апликације ...


Walk-in coolers are primarily storage fixtures. They are available in a wide variety of sizes to fit almost any need. Nearly all retail stores, markets, hotels, restaurants and institutions employ one or more walk-in coolers for the storage of perishables. Walk-in coolers are designed to allow two- or four-wheel carts to move freely through the door, permitting the loading of large boxes and cartons of product.

For short-term storage some walk-in coolers also function as display units. These units are equipped with glazed reach-in doors along one or more of their sides. This feature is especially convenient for storing, displaying and dispensing dairy products, eggs, beverages and floral arrangements. Walk-in coolers with reach-in doors are widely used in grocery stores, convenience stores, florists and shopping clubs.


The principal function of any land of display fixture is to exhibit the product or commodity as attractively as possible in order to stimulate sales. Therefore, in the design of these refrigerated fixtures, first consideration is given to the displaying of the product. Consequently, the final design of the unit is not necessarily compatible with providing optimum storage conditions for the products being displayed. As a result, the storage life of a product is compromised in order to increase potential sales. The storage life for typical products in a display case ranges from a few hours (fresh salads) to several weeks depending on the type of product, its packaging and the fixture s characteristics.

Display fixtures are of two general types: die service case from which the customer is usually served by an attendant and the self-service case from which customers serve themselves. The service case is used in smaller groceries, meat markets and bakeries. Self-service cases are very popular in supermarkets and similar self-service establishments. available as either open or closed units. These units are used to display meat, vegetables, fruit, frozen foods, ice cream, dairy products, salads and delicatessen items. Designs are available for both wall and island installation. Some units provide additional storage space under the display section. The choice of case varies with the particular type of product being displayed.

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