
Реф-Вики.цом -

Estimating heat loss and heat gain
Heat transfer through the building envelope depends on the materials used; geometric factors, such as size, shape, and orientation; - availability of internal sources of heat; and climatic factors. System design requires each of these factors for the study and the impact of their interactions to be carefully assessed.

The main function of heat loss and heat calculation of profit : assessment of capacity that will be needed for different heating and air-conditioning components necessary to maintain comfort in space. These calculations are therefore based on the maximum load for heating and cooling and corresponds to the climatic conditions, which are far from the extremes that are usual. Standard exterior design values of temperature, humidity and sunlight, can usually be obtained from the directory.....

Квалитет ваздуха
Квалитет ваздуха се мора одржавати како би се обезбедило здраво, удобно окружење у затвореном простору. Извори загађења постоје и у унутрашњем и спољашњем окружењу. Квалитет ваздуха у затвореном простору се контролише ради уклањања загађивача или разблаживања. Вентилација игра важну улогу у оба процеса. Вентилација се дефинише као ваздушна, природна или механичка средства до места. По правилу, вентилациони ваздух из спољашњег ваздуха и рециркулисани ваздух. Разблаживање спољашњег ваздуха. У већини случајева, мирис и иритација горњих дисајних путева и очију узрокују вентилацију, али не и присуство опасних материја. Међутим, не треба занемарити могућност загађивања материја. ....
Термални комфор
First, the body heat is generated by metabolic processes to maintain body temperature. Metabolic processes are influenced by factors such as age, health condition and level of activity. For example, a given range of environmental conditions may be quite acceptable in the space occupied by a healthy person, but unacceptable to those who are ill. When the people are ready to adjust their dress habits depending on the season, they find that they are comfortable in a wide range of environmental conditions than they could expect.

The body is constantly a source of heat that must be eliminated to maintain a constant body temperature. Various mechanisms to control the temperature is described in Sec. For a person in a state of rest or do light work in air-conditioned comfort, dissipates heat of the body, mainly by convection (carried away by the atmospheric air and radiation (for the surrounding surfaces, which have a lower temperature than on the surface of the body). Each of these components heat dissipation is approximately 30 percent of heat loss. Evaporation breath and sweat, account for the remaining 40 percent. As environmental conditions or change in activity level, these percentages will vary. For example, if a person does the heavy work, the main heat dissipation mechanism will evaporation.....

Иако је ентропија важан технички и филозофски тон, ово својство ћемо користити специфично и ограничено. Ентропија ће имати мноштво својстава графова и табела и овде се помиње, тако да неће бити непозната. Следеће две импликације овог својства:
  1. Ако се гас или пара комбиновано третирају или проширују без додавања или уклањања топлоте током ентропије материје остаје константна.
  2. Процес описан у укључивању КСНУМКС, промена енталпије представља количину рада по јединици масе компресије или испорученог проширења.
normal Pressure p (perpendicular) to the force exerted by the fluid per unit area, against which the force of pressure. Absolute pressure to measure the pressure is higher than zero gauge pressure measured above the existing atmospheric pressure.

Pressure units in Newtons per square metre (W/m2)also called Pascal (PA). Newton is a unit of power. Standard pressure 101,325 Pa = 101,3 kPa.

Pressure is measured using tools such as pressure gauges, pressure gauges or, shown schematically installed in the air duct. Because one end of the mA-ometer is open to the atmosphere, the deviation of water pressure sensor, pressure gauge shows how to measure.....

temperature t substance indicates its thermal condition and ability to exchange energy with the substance in contact with him. Thus, the substance of high temperature, transfers the energy to the lower temperature. Landmarks Celsius is the temperature of the water freezing (0) and boiling point of water (100C).

The absolute temperature T in degrees above absolute zero, expressed in degrees Kelvin (K), T - t C + 273. Because the temperature ranges of the two scales are identical, the differences between the Celsius temperature stated in degrees Kelvin.


Thermodynamic properties
Another essential element in the analysis of the heating system of the identification of relevant thermodynamic properties. Property or of any characteristic attribute of matter which can be assessed quantitatively. Temperature, pressure and density, all of the properties. Work and heat transfer can be evaluated in terms of changes in the properties, but they are not properties themselves. Real estate is one."" Work and heat transfer is that "made" for the system to change its properties. Work and heat can only be measured on the boundary of the system, and the amount of energy transferred depends on how this change occurs. ....
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Повратни вентил у расхладном систему Хлађење капиларних цеви Википедиа са дубоким замрзивачем Присилни нацрт расхладног торња Ручни експанзијски вентил Дефиниција индустријског хлађења Намотавање мотора Темп. Пражњење компресора хладњака Мотор индукцијског покретања индукцијског покретања Тхермосипхон систем хлађења Расхладни систем апсорпције паре Википедиа Вискозни филтер за ваздух Кондензатор са воденим хлађењем
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