
Continius bubles sight glass

Техничке информације индустријски Течни индикатори (наочаре)

Liquid Indicators (With Sight Glass)

Liquid indicator or sight glass is installed on the liquid line of the refrigeration system for the provision of funds to visually determine whether a sufficient amount of refrigerant is present. As the battery level indicator in the system, a sight glass should be installed as close as possible to the пријемник за течност as possible. In this place, the system of short refrigerant will show vapor bubbles in a fluid flow.

To determine the operating status of the entire liquid line, another sight glass can be installed directly before the liquid line solenoid or refrigerant уређај за дозирање. This additional sight glass will indicate whether a continuous stream of fluid reaches the refrigerant control. Bubbles appearing in the sight glass in this place may mean that the refrigerant flashes in the liquid line as a result of excessive pressure, lack of hypothermia or restrictions components before viewing glass. If the bubbles are the result of excessive pressure, they can be eliminated by increasing the diameter of the liquid line or further подхлађивање of liquid refrigerant.


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