
Refrigerant drying agents - Refrigerant dying agent

Техничке информације Хладњаци Средства за сушење расхладног средства

Средства за сушење расхладног средства

Средства за сушење расхладним средством are used to remove moisture, acids and other pollutants from the refrigerant-oil mixture, which circulates through the system. Drying agents used in refrigeration systems are referred to as desiccant. Some of the most common use dehumidifiers for апликације за хлађење are silica (silicon dioxide), activated alumina (aluminium oxide) and molecular sieves.

Driers are available pellets, beads or formed nuclei consisting of desiccant granules are held together by a binder. In all cases, the drying removes contaminants from the refrigerant-oil mixture, by adsorption. Adsorption is a process in which pollutants physically adhere to the molecular surface desiccant. Coal element in the air filter absorbs particles and molecules in millions of holes located on the surface of each piece of coal. Adsorption is different from acquisitions, which describes a process in which the materials are actually connect in a single solution. Example acquisitions-consolidation of moisture and some refrigerants into the solution.

Several driers are often combined together, so diat they can adsorb a greater variety of contaminants that may be retained after manufacturing or service that occur in the system during operation.

The drier contains a cylindrical steel or copper pipes with fittings or sweat connection, called a filter-dehydrator. As a rule, filter drier is installed permanently die in the liquid line of the system. This place minimizes pressure drop that it produces as refrigerant passes through the surface of the particle dryer. However, the suction line filter-driers are available for use after burnout or other high acid situation. These devices remove acids and contaminants remaining in the system after its renovation, minimize pollution, which can migrate into the new oil in the компресор. Suction line filter-driers are semi-hermetic devices that can be isolated from the system, so they des-iccant cores, can be frequently changed until the system is free from impurities. Once the system is thoroughly cleaned, the nucleus is removed from the filter-dehydrator housing to reduce the pressure he produces on the suction side of the system...

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