
Реф-Вики.цом -

Air-conditioning and cooling

Heat dissipation within the confined space must be considered as a multi-stage process of heat transfer. The heat passes from the occupants or of equipment for air in space, and from there refrigerant or chilled water. It follows that the temperature differences at every step are the mutual function flow air. Where there is a high latent heat load within the space, the relative humidity will vary depending on air flow, changing the above, with low air consumption.

Further unforeseen fluctuations will occur with the flow of the primary cooling environment. Two-step (on-off control of the компресор for the air conditioner, the temperature will gradually increase until the compressor is 'off' until the compressor restarts.

The engineer must consider the impact of such changes on the load space. This determines the choice of cooling apparatus and method of control. A wide variety of facilities and engineer must know the characteristics and the proper application of each of them.

Careful control of the condition may require exhaust airflow, see Figure.

28.10, or transfer of a person operatives outside the sensitive area. Cooling water consumption control should be easy, and infinitely variable, where possible.

Where conditions may be allowed to drift, within the General limits of human comfort, see Fig. 23.8, or any similar areas, which is acceptable for the majority of passengers. Such standards conditioning is usually called comfort cooling...

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