
Ord regulators

Техничке информације индустријски Орд вентили за регулацију притиска

Орд вентили за регулацију притиска

Although ORI regulator maintains the pressure in the кондензатор its normal level, pressure in the receiver must also be sustainable, to maintain system cooling capacity. Therefore, the bypass line with ORD used in conjunction widi ORI valve to maintain tlie spacer correct pressure in the liquid line. In ORD high pressure from the regulator, which Opens with increasing pressure on its input and output holes. In ORD is passed to bypass line, which connects the hot gas inlet condenser liquid line receiver input.

In the OSA should be used in conjunction with ARI valve is normally perform its function. If ORI valve has not been installed, die differential pressure in the condenser may be too small for ORD work. As ARI valve starts to regulate the flow of liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser pressure drop created by ORD. If this difference reaches 20 psi (138 kPa), ORD starts to open, bypassing the hot gas in the liquid line. As ARI continues to block down and differential continues to grow, ORD port continues to open until it wide open at the difference (30 psi 207 kPa).

In addition to raising the pressure in the receiver, hot gas flowing through ORD also heats the cold fluid passing through the ORI. This action allows the liquid refrigerant type receiver with enough pressure and temperature to ensure proper експанзиони вентил. As there are a sufficient quantity of refrigerant in the system, these two high pressure regulating valves modulate to maintain proper condenser and receiver pressure regardless of the outside temperature of the environment...

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Примена расхлађивања у хемијској индустрији Прекидач Капацитет кондензатора Контактирајте замрзавање Димензије бакарних цеви инча до мм Учинак прегревања на полицајца Херметички компресор Висока страна расхладног система Одвајач уља у расхладном циклусу Притисни прекидач Компресор за хлађење Контрола капацитета Дијаграм ожичења прекидача притиска расхладног уља Топлотна проводљивост раствора соли
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