
Effects of dust on health

Technical information Controls and Other Circuit Components Filtration Effect of Dust on Health

The filtering effect of Dust on Health

The influence of dust on health has been correctly highlighted by the competent medical authorities. A normal person inhales about 17 times in a minute. Air is taken into the lungs may contain large amounts of dust, soot, microbes, bacteria and other harmful substances. Most of this matter was removed from his nose and respiratory tract normal person. However, if these passages are dry and to permit the passage of these materials, catarrhal and respiratory diseases are the result. Air conditioning machine of removal of pollutants from the air, and thereafter to ensure the necessary level of moisture, so that the airway is not dehydrated, but are kept properly wet. Among airborne diseases, are mumps, measles, scarlet fever, pneumonia, respiratory diseases, tuberculosis, hay fever, flu, flu, diphtheria.

Dust is more than just a dry dirt. It is extremely difficult, with a variable mixture of materials, and, in General, quite uncomfortable, especially the type found in and around human habitation. Dust contains small sand particles, soot, earth, rust, fibers, animal and vegetable refuse, hair, chemicals and compounds that are abrasive, annoying, or both.

The United States Weather Bureau estimates the amount of 115,000 dust particles per cubic centimeter ordinary city air, and that each grain of this dust to the respiratory level contains from 85 000 to 125 000 g. The proximity of enterprises using oil or coal-burning equipment and the presence of significant traffic aggravate the condition and increase of dust and germ content.

The Mellon Institute of Industrial Research conducted a series of experiments to determine dust, precipitation in three major cities. Measurements were published in the average measured in more than 10 stations in each of the cities, and were for a period of 1 year. It was noted that the amount of precipitation was significantly greater in the industrial areas. This, of course, clear that the filtered air is practically a necessity, especially in large buildings, where the number of people gathered. Hotels, theatres, schools, shops, hospitals, factories and museums require the removal of dust from the atmosphere, admitted to their interiors, not only because the purer product is available for human health and consumption, but also because of accessories, clothing, furniture and equipment will not be damaged by dust particles, which carries fresh air flow.

The air filter is part of the air conditioning system, which should be operated all the year round. There are times when the air washer (cooling and dampening unit) is not required, but the filter is one part of the system that need to be in continuous operation to clean the air.


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