
Solenoid valve for refrigeration - Refrigerant control device

Техничке информације Хлађење Магнетни вентил за расхладно средство

Магнетни вентил за расхладно средство

соленоид valves, as shown here, there are various ways to start and stop the flow of liquid. One of the most common uses to control the refrigerant flow to the евапоратор. Solenoid valve is installed in the liquid refrigerant line that feeds the evaporator, just upstream from the TXV. In this position, it stops the flow of the liquid refrigerant into the evaporator when the cooling requirements are met.

This control is especially useful for reducing the output of the cooling system, which feeds more than one evaporator or evaporator where there are multiple partitions, each with its own уређај за дозирање.

Solenoid valve operates on the same principle, as a contactor. Wire coil placed around a tube containing a movable piston. When an electric current passes through the coil, the magnetic field. This field pulls the piston to the coil. In the model shown here, the piston moves upward when the coil is in effect, thereby opening the valve. This is normally closed solenoid valve. Normally open versions are also available.


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