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Types Of Heat Pumps

Both terms are used in reference to the source heat pump work. They are air heat pumps, geothermal (ground source) heat pumps. Air to air heat pump is the most popular type. His source of heating and cooling with outside air. Its appearance resembles the usual full air-conditioning system. Geothermal heat pump uses underground (land or water) temperature for the production of the desired temperature. Although the temperature of the outdoor air may vary, underground temperatures remain relatively constant year-round. This allows a geothermal system to create the necessary heating and cooling, temperature year round.

The term " ecological system of comfort is sometimes used to describe heat pump systems. This is because the heat pump works with natural thermal storage capacity of the land and/or groundwater for cooling and space. The earth absorbs and stores heat energy from the sun. To use this accumulated energy, heat must be removed from the ground by means of liquid environment (underground water or refrigerant).

Heat pump transfers heat from one place to another, changing the state of a fluid.

Water-based geothermal heat pump system circulates water-based fluids by means of plastic pipes in the land. Direct expansion systems (DX) refrigerant circulates through copper pipes in the land. Components consist of a continuous sealed underground heat exchanger, standard refrigeration-air heat exchanger, the компресор, a reversing valve, and liquid and vapour refrigerant management.

Open systems use wells or lakes as their source of water. Good or lake serves as a proposal (pump) and reset (reset) source for the system. This is in contrast to closed systems, recycling water or refrigerant on the base of liquid. Ninety-five percent of the geothermal heat pump installations in the United States are water-based systems. Thus, this text will deal primarily with the source of water technologies in this section.

Heat pump can be used for many purposes. Water, heating and heat recovery from industrial processes are just two examples. Thawing of evaporators by hot gas method is a form of heat pump systems. Both compression systems and absorption systems can be adapted as a heat pump. Stand-alone (single pack) units of 1 /2 to 25 tons are common and large systems of 100 tons to 1,000 tons. Window blocks 1/2-t 2-ton capacity are also available


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