
Oroa valve

Техничке информације индустријски Ороа вентили за регулацију притиска

Ороа вентили за регулацију притиска

Instead of using two control valves pressure to maintain the high pressure at low ambient temperatures and low load, one OROA valve can be used. This three-port valves are Open on the Growth of output pressure and pressure drop across the discharge and the receiving lines. The valve body is designed using two suction and one output port. An output port is connected to the liquid line of the input of the receiver. One input port is connected to a discharge line while odier is transmitted on the liquid line, leaving the condenser. Inlet connected to the discharge line and die outlet connected to the receiver perform the functions ORD valve. Intake manifold for liquid line, leaving the кондензатор and the outlet connected to the receiver perform the functions of the ORI valve.

In OROA valve is unregulated valve condensing pressure control that limits the flow of fluid from the die capacitor, because it regulates the flow of hot gas bypass die condenser and die flowing into the receiver. His two valve tube and set point in the spring while simultaneously responding to the pressure felt in each of the three ports.

Outlet of OROA valve is the larger of the two places and is controlled by a valve diaphragm, which causes the plug-in to open the outlet pressure. The force generated by the pressure acting on the top of the diaphragm acts against the pressure in the receiver and spring force, regulate the flow through the valve.

In the condenser and receiver pressures are exerted on the bottom side of the module disk so that's trying to make the plugin from the seat. Since the area of the port is small in relation to the diaphragm, inlet pressure virtually no effect on the operation of the valve that allows the outlet pressure to control the valve. As a receiver pressure decreases, OROA valve reduces the consumption of the fluid leaving the condenser generation increase in differential pressure discharge and receiving lines. As this pressure increases the difference, die OROA passes hot gas in die receiver to maintain the temperature and pressure of the liquid refrigerant.

Temperature and pressure charging OROA power of the item changes with changes in ambient temperature. These changes cause the valve set points fluctuate slightly. However, since bypassed hot gas passes through ORD part of the valve, the temperature of the item is saved, allowing him (unction adequately temperature approaching 40F.

All the methods of the refrigerant side of the condenser capacity of control, it is important Mat refrigerant system is large enough to flood the condenser at the lowest expected ambient, having enough charge in the system for correct operation. Lack of refrigerant will allow the hot gas to enter the liquid line and експанзиони вентил, negatively affecting the refrigeration process. Similarly, the receiver must have a capacity that can hold all tne refrigerant in the system. If the receiver was too small, liquid refrigerant will be stored at the bottom of the condenser, the high external conditions, causing excessively high discharge pressures. When the refrigerant supply management capacity is used with multiple circuit capacitors, individual controls required for each network..

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