
Реф-Вики.цом -

Техничке информације индустријски Регулатори високог притиска

High Pressure Regulators

High pressure regulators are used to control or limit the pressure in the component is in the highest part of the cooling system. If the cooling system to function properly and effectively, its condensation temperature shall be maintained within the estimated range. Higher than the design of condensation temperatures and pressures generate losses in the компресор performance and efficiency. They also lead to overheating of the compressor, excessive consumption of electricity and, in some cases, the преоптерећење компресора motor. Operational problems, as a result of capacitors operating widi abnormally low temperature condensation.

Low condensing pressure lower differential pressure measuring device, reduction of refrigerant. Therefore, the евапоратор becomes a catastrophic lack of refrigerant and system performance is reduced, since it works in much the single-ended mode. Using the systems of hot gas defrost or performance management, lower than the design pressure of condensation also prohibits diese cycles to work incorrectly.

Failure to maintain adequate condensing pressure also leads to low suction pressure and the icing of the evaporator. Low temperature condensation usually occur at low ambient temperatures or light thermal loads. Tlie spacer problem of low temperature condensation more acute in the cold weather months, when the air temperature and the cooling load is below the rated. To maintain the condensing temperature is high enough, it is necessary to take certain measures to reduce and control the capacity of the capacitor during these periods.

Although the methods used to control capacitor vary with the type of capacitor is used, all die strategies include reducing the number of die condensate average spread, or a reduction in the effective heat transfer surface condenser. Device diat vary the power condensing environment, as a rule, is created due to the pressure or temperature control diat react to conditions inside the кондензатор. For example, in air-cooled condenser applications, condensation temperature is maintained within the desired range by changing the amount of air moving through the coil or the flooding of parts die capacitor widi liquid refrigerant. The number of draught over air-cooled condenser can be changed Cycling condenser fan, modulating valve placed in the slipstream, of varying die fan speed or a combination of these three methods.

High regulatory pressures vary effective condensation surface area to maintain the required pressure of condensation. These devices operate to ensure that the condenser and receiver pressure remain within their normal ranges in periods of decline download or low ambient temperatures...

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