
Реф-Вики.цом -

Техничке информације индустријски Цедила


Mesh screens are made of stainless steel with small holes, which are used for mechanical trap debris that they do not block the ventilation openings on the unit of account or score surfaces inside the компресор.

The filters must be installed until all the уређаји за дозирање, pressure regulating valves, solenoid and other automatic valves in the suction connection of the compressor. Most of these system components are manufactured widi filter cartridge into the dieir inlet connections. If one is not supplied together with the device offline filter can be installed. When installing a standalone strainer in the system, the gaps should be developed in the pipeline layout permission to his room. In all cases, the filter must be much in size with enough surface area so that the accumulation of foreign material over time will not create an excessive refrigerant pressure drop.


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