
Реф-Вики.цом -

Техничке информације Контроле и остале компоненте кола Инсталација нивоа мастер контроле

Инсталација нивоа мастер контроле

Level-master control applicable to any system that has been specifically designed for submerged operations. The valve is usually connected to a feed in a surge above the liquid level. He may apply to the liquid leg or coil header.

Insert the lamp can be installed directly in the shell, balancing, or liquid foot on new or existing installations. Existing float system can be easily converted by setting level-master of management and insert it in the float chamber.

Електрични прикључци
The heater is equipped with two wires neoprene coated cord 2 m in length. It flows through the moisture-proof plug 1/2-century male threaded connection is attached to the plate lamp Assembly (see Fig. 11-46).

The heater circuit must be interrupted when refrigeration is not required. Connect heater in parallel with the coil компресор line or electromagnetic starter valveР‚not in the series.

Valves with manual control
In some systems, the valve is isolated from the surge hand valve.

2 - 3 pounds of pressure drop from the valve to the bulb location, most likely. For such installations, outwardly equalized valve is recommended.


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