
Реф-Вики.цом -

Техничке информације Контроле и остале компоненте кола Цедила


Pipelines schemes usually contain a small amount of dirt, scale and chip, no matter what care to retain them. A filter is installed in the компресор suction to catch these particles before they can log in to the machine. Such filters from a metal grid and will be located where they can be removed for cleaning. In some configurations, the two filters can be installed.

As an additional protection, new compressors fabric liner can be installed inside a strainer to catch the fine dirt, which will be present. Such liners should be removed at the end of the burn-in period, as they create a high resistance to gas flow.

Oil filters can be made of metal grid, and into the chamber, and in this case, the Carter must be opened for cleaning. Self-cleaning disc filters are used dirt fell into the drain tank or settling himself. There is a growing tendency to provide replacement fabric filters oil external compressor body, after the automotive practice.....

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