
Реф-Вики.цом -

Пуњење цилиндра

When the maintenance of some devices, such as domestic refrigerators, window blocks, packing unit, ice machines, and automotive Клима уређај there can be no guesses as to how much refrigerant should be in the squad. There is a certain amount of refrigerant used in this type of equipment and the manufacturer places that amount on the data plate. The amount necessary in these units, as a rule, is given in pounds and ounces. When using small quantities such as this, one of the ways that it could be handled very fine adjustment of the scale or thecharging cylinder. In цилиндар it is a valuable tool that should be part of your inventory tool, if you are working on this type опрема.

Операција на цилиндар за пуњење extremely simple once you understand procedure.A tube where you place the amount of refrigerant is located in the center of the cylinder.

On external perimeter is a flexible, mobile, external cylinder. At the top of the inner tube valve and manometer; and at the bottom of the valve. Place a small amount of refrigerant used in the cylinder through a bottom valve. This small volume of fluid puts pressure on the cylinder. Цилиндар за пуњење provides the refrigerant in the liquid form.

Read the pressure sensor of rotation of the external cylinder for the proper refrigerant pressure and in accordance with the index. This external, plastic, it has graded, marked on it. These gradations in oz. Open bottom valve and liquid refrigerant enter the inner tube, watch your step, as the liquid fills the heart of cork city. When the number of ounces made, close the bottom valve. The exact quantity of refrigerant required for charging a particular system is enclosed in the center tube of the цилиндар за пуњење. The liquid refrigerant refrigerant released from the drum by the valve with the inscription liquid, or by turning the drum upside down. Always let a couple of ounces of refrigerant to clear his hose. Never break the vacuum well evacuation until hoses, air purification and full хладагент.


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